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Little Giant is NYT Bestseller!!!!!

February 4, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

So, I woke up this morning a Plain Jane, and I’m going to sleep a NYT Times Bestselling Author! The Little Giant of Aberdeen County hit the list this week at #29!

First of all, thank you so much to you readers. You’ve been supportive, inquisitive, sometimes argumentative, and you all are the reason I love telling stories. There’s nothing better than the email I get from readers asking questions or sharing their own stories with me, so thank you! I spend a large part of my day stumping around in really unattractive fleece sweatpants, absorbed by imaginary people, so it’s more gratifying than you know to get those emails!

Obviously, for a writer, making the NYT list is a dream come true. But here’s the thing about dreams: They’re never quite like you imagined them when they finally happen. For instance, tonight is Taco Night in my house, so when my editor called, there I was in, yes, ugly sweatpants, making a pot of beans and panicking because my children were trying to bring earthworms inside the house while Mommy was on the phone. They couldn’t understand why I was screaming, but, trust me, it wasn’t over the worms.

Funny, when I think back, the only other phone call that was as good as this was the day my agent called to say that I had a book offer on the table, and, guess what, it was Taco Night that night, too. I was in the supermarket aisle, perusing salsa.

I guess that’s fitting, though. The best moments in life, the ones I bet I’ll remember when I’m old, are the ones that just happen: the births of my children, the fact that I broke into hysterical laughter while reciting my wedding vows, the birthday parties, Christmases, the family dinners. And without those, what would I write about?

So thanks again readers and friends, and go make yourselves some tacos on me!

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Julie Mangold
    June 11, 2010 at 12:52 pm

    Thank you for your book. I am almost finished and can’t put it down. Alsa, I have to quit and go to work. It is our book club selection for this month. Are you doing a book signing tour anytime soon? We were able to hear the author of the Help and loved that experience.

    It is so refreshing to read something original, where you don’t know what is going to happen after reading the first chapter of a book. Please keep writing!

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